What are the options of developing a project server 2010 workflow? For all of you that are in the process of doing that, please refer to Alex Burtons great post on the Nintex Workflow for Project Server which was released yesterday.
As Alex mentioned, he is actually an employee of a company that is part of Nintex, but I must agree with Alex, this tool rocks big time.
I have installed and configured workflows in Nintex now and here are my experiences. It is a great solution for organisations that would like to drive their governance using automation and workflows.
We have been developing workflows now in Visual Studio quite extensively and we also used the SDK solution starter. Both options are ok for the right workflow, but both have either limitations or are very time consuming.
With Nintex, organisations have the ability to give the business user the power of developing their workflow, either across different enterprise project types or even for individual projects.
What Alex did not mention so far ( I know Alex its only your first post ) is that Nintex does much more than Project Server workflows, it allows customers to seamlessly integrate SharePoint content with Project Server content and that really rocks !!!
Imagine you can make the status of a document dependent on moving a project into the next stage of a project life cycle. Yeap, that is all possible ( and much more) without a lengthy effort of custom developing workflows in Visual Studio.
Also with Nintex you don't just interrogate SharePoint data, but any Line of Business data can also be integrated into the workflow, making possibilities endless.
So without wanting to sound bias ( which I am not) have a look at this and decide for yourself
Happy “worklfowing”